The Ultimate TRS-80 Font

Download the world's most complete TRS-80 text font set, in TrueType format. Works on Mac OS X, Windows, or any operating system that supports TrueType.

The "Another Man's Treasure" series consists of 22 fonts - the largest of any series in my Retro Computing Fonts collection. This is because there were so many models of the TRS-80, each with its own character set, in one of two video modes, or four in the case of the Model 4!

Model Revision Aspect Ratio Font Name Sample Text
I Original 64-Column (2:3) Another Mans Treasure MIA 64C 2X3Y
32-Column (4:3) Another Mans Treasure MIA 32C 4X3Y
2Y (1:2) Another Mans Treasure MIA 2Y
Raw (1:1) Another Mans Treasure MIA Raw
Lowercase 64-Column (2:3) Another Mans Treasure MIB 64C 2X3Y
32-Column (4:3) Another Mans Treasure MIB 32C 4X3Y
2Y (1:2) Another Mans Treasure MIB 2Y
Raw (1:1) Another Mans Treasure MIB Raw
III (Any) 64-Column/2Y (1:2) Another Mans Treasure MIII 64C
32-Column/Raw (1:1) Another Mans Treasure MIII 32C
4 Original 64-Column (5:8, 12-Scan) Another Mans Treasure M4A 64C
32-Column (5:4, 12-Scan) Another Mans Treasure M4A 32C
80-Column (1:2, 10-Scan) Another Mans Treasure M4A 80C
40-Column (1:1, 10-Scan) Another Mans Treasure M4A 40C
2Y (1:2, 12-Scan) Another Mans Treasure M4A 2Y
Raw (1:1, 12-Scan) Another Mans Treasure M4A Raw
International 64-Column (5:8, 12-Scan) Another Mans Treasure M4B 64C
32-Column (5:4, 12-Scan) Another Mans Treasure M4B 32C
80-Column (1:2, 10-Scan) Another Mans Treasure M4B 80C
40-Column (1:1, 10-Scan) Another Mans Treasure M4B 40C
2Y (1:2, 12-Scan) Another Mans Treasure M4B 2Y
Raw (1:1, 12-Scan) Another Mans Treasure M4B Raw

Additional characters have been added to the fonts to support all of ISO-Latin-1, Windows ANSI, and MacRoman, as well as block element characters and other miscellaneous Unicode characters. These additional characters have been modeled after the existing characters whenever possible.

Another Man's Treasure MIA encodes the entire original Model I character ROM at code points 0xE000-0xE0FF. 0xE000-0xE01F encode graphical characters that were in the character ROM but could not be displayed. 0xE020-0xE05F encode the original modified ASCII set. 0xE060-0xE07F encode the lowercase letters without descenders that could be accessed with an unofficial mod. 0xE080-0xE0BF and 0xE0C0-0xE0FF (repeated) encode pseudographics characters.

Another Man's Treasure MIB encodes the entire Model I character ROM with official lowercase mod at code points 0xE000-0xE0FF. 0xE000-0xE07F encode ASCII characters. 0xE080-0xE0BF and 0xE0C0-0xE0FF (repeated) encode pseudographics characters.

Another Man's Treasure MIII encodes the entire Model III character ROM at code points 0xE000-0xE17F. 0xE000-0xE01F encode the limited set of extended Latin characters available at 0x00-0x1F. 0xE020-0xE07F encode ASCII characters. 0xE080-0xE0BF encode pseudographics characters. 0xE0C0-0xE0FF encode the random assortment of Greek and technical characters accessable as primary characters for 0xC0-0xFF. 0xE100-0xE13F encode the original halfwidth katakana characters accessable as alternate characters for 0xC0-0xFF, and 0xE140-0xE17F encode the revised versions.

Another Man's Treasure M4A encodes the entire original Model 4 character ROM at code points 0xE000-0xE1FF. 0xE000-0xE01F encode the limited set of extended Latin characters available at 0x00-0x1F. 0xE020-0xE07F encode ASCII characters. 0xE080-0xE0BF encode pseudographics characters. 0xE0C0-0xE0FF encode the random assortment of Greek and technical characters accessable as primary characters for 0xC0-0xFF. 0xE100-0xE13F and 0xE140-0xE17F (repeated) encode the halfwidth katakana characters accessable as alternate characters for 0xC0-0xFF. 0xE180-0xE1FF encode inverted versions of 0xE000-0xE07F that could be used in a special video mode.

Another Man's Treasure M4B encodes the entire revised "international" version of the Model 4 character ROM at code points 0xE000-0xE1FF. 0xE000-0xE01F encode the limited set of extended Latin characters available at 0x00-0x1F. 0xE020-0xE07F encode ASCII characters. 0xE080-0xE0BF encode pseudographics characters. 0xE0C0-0xE0FF encode the random assortment of Greek and technical characters accessable as primary characters for 0xC0-0xFF. 0xE100-0xE13F and 0xE140-0xE17F (repeated) encode the extended Latin characters accessable as alternate characters for 0xC0-0xFF. 0xE180-0xE1FF encode inverted versions of 0xE000-0xE07F that could be used in a special video mode.

Finally, lest any diehard fans be led to believe I am putting down the TRS-80 by alluding to a particular well-known proverb, let me assure you nothing could be further from the truth. Had that been the case I would have named it for the former half of said proverb; rather, I deliberately chose to emphasize the latter half. The TRS-80 is a treasure. ☺

The Ultimate Color Computer Font

Download the world's most complete TRS-80 Color Computer text font set, in TrueType format. Works on Mac OS X, Windows, or any operating system that supports TrueType.

The Model I & II version is called
Hot CoCo. The double-height Model I & II version is called Hot CoCo 2Y. The
Model III version is called Hot CoCo with T. The double-height Model III version
is called Hot CoCo with T 2Y.

Additional characters have been added to the fonts to support all of ISO-Latin-1, Windows ANSI, and MacRoman, as well as block element characters and other miscellaneous Unicode characters. These additional characters have been modeled after the existing characters whenever possible.

Hot CoCo and Hot CoCo 2Y encode the character set of the MC6847 (used in the Color Computer Model I & II) at code points 0xE000-0xE07F and Semigraphics 4 mode at 0xE080-0xE0FF. Semigraphics 6 mode (complete with garbled patterns at 0x00-0x7F) is encoded at 0xE100-0xE1FF.

Hot CoCo with T and Hot CoCo with T 2Y encode the uppercase-only character set of the MC6847T1 (used in the Color Computer Model III) at code points 0xE000-0xE07F and Semigraphics 4 mode at 0xE080-0xE0FF.

The lowercase character set is encoded at 0xE100-0xE17F, with Semigraphics 4 mode at 0xE180-0xE1FF. An inverted version of the lowercase character set is encoded at 0xE200-0xE27F, with Semigraphics 4 mode at 0xE280-0xE2FF. Finally, Semigraphics 6 mode (complete with garbled patterns at 0x00-0x7F) is encoded at 0xE300-0xE3FF.