[archive] floydzilla 20060302: "A build of podzilla, old version, with loads of extra features." at http://www.kreativekorp.com/ipl/sources/floyd.tgz to / provides zilla supports ~B unsupported yes [archive] vipodzilla 20060301: "A build of podzilla, old version, with graphical menu and extra features." at http://www.kreativekorp.com/ipl/sources/vip.tgz to / provides zilla supports ~B unsupported yes [archive] epodia 0.9: "Base system for Encyclopodia." at http://www.kreativekorp.com/ipl/sources/epodia.tgz to / provides zilla supports ~B unsupported yes [archive] triplethreat 20060409: "Main menu for launching multiple podzillae." at http://www.kreativekorp.com/ipl/sources/triplepz.tgz to /bin provides zilla supports ~B unsupported yes [file] ttpodzilla CVS-YYYYMMDD: "The main graphical interface for iPodLinux, old version; for Triple Threat." at http://ipodlinux.org/builds/YYYYMMDD-podzilla.gz to /bin/podzilla0 requires triplethreat supports ~B [file] ttpodzilla2 SVN-NNN: "A modular rewrite of podzilla; extensible and new, but not perfect yet; for Triple Threat." at http://www.josh.sys-techs.com/svnbuilds/podzilla2-NNN.gz to /bin/podzilla2 requires triplethreat requires appearance [archive] ttfloydzilla 20060302: "A build of podzilla, old version, with loads of extra features; for Triple Threat." at http://www.kreativekorp.com/ipl/sources/ttfloyd.tgz to / requires triplethreat supports ~B unsupported yes [archive] ttvipodzilla 20060301: "A build of podzilla, old version, with graphical menu and extra features; for Triple Threat." at http://www.kreativekorp.com/ipl/sources/ttvip.tgz to / requires triplethreat supports ~B unsupported yes [archive] ttepodia 0.9: "Base system for Encyclopodia; for Triple Threat." at http://www.kreativekorp.com/ipl/sources/ttepodia.tgz to / requires triplethreat supports ~B unsupported yes [archive] cmdlineutils 2.0: "Collection of command line utilities for iPodLinux shell." at http://www.kreativekorp.com/ipl/sources/cmdlineutils.tgz to /bin